Novel insights into the role of CK1a and CYLD in life-and-death decisions


The kinase CK1a and the deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD are pivotal in lymphocyte activation and proliferation. However, their involvement and regulation in innate immunity and programmed cell death are still being elucidated. In this seminar, I will present our latest findings and discuss how CK1a and CYLD intersect with the cGAS-STING pathway, highlighting the importance of post-translational modifications.

From 20 Mar 2025 14:45
Until 20 Mar 2025 15:45
Location FSVMI building, seminar room

Speaker Nicolas Bidere
Affiliation French National Institute for Health and Medical Research INSERM Cancer and Immunology Research Center of Nantes, France
Host Rudi Beyaert

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About the speaker

Nicolas Bidère earned his PhD from the Paris-Saclay University, where he focused on programmed cell death in human T lymphocytes. He then joined Mike Lenardo’s laboratory at the NIH for a post-doctoral fellowship, investigating the molecular basis underlying NF-κB activation in lymphocytes and lymphoma. In 2008, he was appointed permanent researcher by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research INSERM. Currently, he co-leads the “Signaling in Oncogenesis, Angiogenesis, and Permeability” team at the Cancer and Immunology Research Center of Nantes, France. He has long-term experience exploring in studying cellular fate decisions in both normal and pathological conditions, with a particular focus on post-translational modifications.
