Ethical Committee

IRC-UGent ethical committee

In order to perform experiments in animal models systems using interventions in live animals, an evaluation and approval by an ethical committee is required. These pages collect all resources needed to make an application for approval by the ethical committee of UGent (WE14). The submission of an application requires an association with UGent, and thus an UGent account and is done using the UGent Sharepoint application. All templates files that need to be filled in can be found on the Sharepoint directory.

House rules

All information on the house rules of the ethical committee can be found on the Sharepoint folder "Documenten" and can be accessed by the following link (login required).

Submit application 

To submit an application, click here


Submission guide and manual 

A manual with detailed instructions is available on Sharepoint, and can be accessed by the following link (login required).

Required for submission 

In order to submit an application, the application file and non-technical summary (NTS) need to be filled in and uploaded on Sharepoint as well as a signed printout of the summary page of the application form. At the end of the project a retrospective analysis form is also required to be filled in, signed by the responsible for the animal experiment or PI/promotor, and sent to

Do I need a retrospective analysis (RA)? 

Yes, according to the Belgian law, a Retrospective Analysis is required in all cases. It is meant as a reflection on the executed research. This also always needs to be marked on the NTS next to 'project geselecteerd voor BA' (line 40) as 'ja'.
When the research project is finished, it is required that the RA finally is uploaded and published on the website of the European Commission by the secretariat of the ethical committee.

When do I submit the retrospective analysis (RA)? 

Within maximum 2 months after finishing a research project, a Retrospective Analysis (.xlsx file) is required.
The RA template needs to be completed correctly and uploaded in Sharepoint after receiving a mail from Sharepoint the day the research project has reached the end date.
If the project finishes earlier than the end date (project doesn't work, experimental leader is leaving, ...), the completed RA needs to be sent by email to 

Where can I find all the templates? 

The templates can be found on the Sharepoint folder: "Documenten/Templates" (login required) and on the T-drive/animalarium/public/ethical committee.

I have login problems on Sharepoint 

Make sure you login using your UGent credentials, in case of problems contact the Sharepoint responsible ( 

I have other questions 

Please send a mail to with your question.