14th Euroconference on Apoptosis

Chia, Sardinia, Italy

September 29-October 4, 2006

"Death or Survival? Fate in Sardinia."


3rd Training course on 'Concepts and Methods in Programmed Cell Death'

Supported by EC within the framework of the
Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses




Abstract submission


Participants are invited to submit an abstract (1 page) for oral (15min) or poster presentation. For each session, oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts must adequately describe the objectives and results so that the quality and originality of the abstract can be evaluated by the scientific committee.


All contributions (main speakers, short oral contributors, poster presentations) will be published in the form of abstracts. Abstracts are only accepted if they are accompanied by a preregistration to the conference of the presenting author. Please fill in the preregistration form providing all requested abstract information, and also send the complete abstract as a text file (Lastname.doc) to the ECDO secretariat.


Abstract submission is essential to be eligible for a MC scholarship.  First year PhD students can provide a resume describing their project and ongoing research in case they do not have enough data to submit an abstract.


The deadline for abstract submission is 31 May, 2006.


Abstract layout guidelines:

  • abstract title (Arial, 12pt, bold)

  • names of all authors (presenting author underlined) (Arial, 11pt)

  • affiliation of all authoirs (Arial, 11pt, Italic)

  • body text (Max. 350 words) (Arial, 11pt)

The entire abstract should not exceed 3000 characters including spaces. Please consult the example below and use the template for submitting your own abstract (filename=Lastname.doc).


Template file for abstracts






  1. The organisers reserve the right to make editorial changes to the abstracts that are not conform the requirements.

  2. By submitting your abstract, you agree

  • to transfer ownership of copyright for the abstract and its content to the "14th Euroconference on Apoptosis" to enable publication in the book of abstracts.

  • to publication of your coordinates in the participants list in the book of abstracts

  1. Sending of the text file of your  abstract to the ECDO secretariat is essential for editing, typesetting and publishing the abstract.